How long do edibles stay in your system?

When it comes to enjoying cannabis, edibles have become a popular choice due to their discreet nature and longer-lasting effects. However, many individuals are curious about how long the effects of edibles last and how they are metabolized in the body. We’ll delve into how long edibles stay in your system to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing edible duration and their impact.

How Long Do Edibles Stay in the Body?

Edibles, infused with cannabinoids like THC and CBD, offer a unique experience compared to other consumption methods. The duration of their effects can vary significantly based on multiple factors. Let’s explore these factors in more detail:

1. Dosage and Potency

The potency and dosage of the edible play a crucial role in determining how long its effects will last. Edibles with higher concentrations of cannabinoids will likely have more prolonged effects.

2. Metabolism and Body Composition

Your metabolism and body composition also affect how long edibles stay in your system. Here’s how these factors come into play:


  • Your metabolism refers to how quickly your body processes and breaks down substances, including cannabinoids from edibles.
  • Individuals with a faster metabolism are likely to experience a quicker onset of effects and a shorter overall duration.
  • In contrast, those with a slower metabolism may feel the effects of edibles for a more extended period.

Body Composition:

  • Your body’s composition, including factors like muscle mass and fat percentage, can influence how cannabinoids are stored and metabolized.
  • Those with higher muscle mass may experience a slightly faster metabolism of edibles, while individuals with a higher body fat percentage might feel the effects for a longer time.

3. Tolerance and Experience

Your tolerance and experience with cannabis play a significant role in how long edibles stay in your system:


  • Individuals who regularly consume cannabis products may develop a tolerance over time.
  • Tolerance means that your body becomes accustomed to the presence of cannabinoids, leading to a quicker metabolism of edibles.
  • As a result, frequent consumers might experience shorter-lasting effects compared to occasional users.


  • Beginners who are new to consuming cannabis may have a lower tolerance and could feel the effects of edibles for an extended period.
  • Experience with different consumption methods can also influence how your body reacts to edibles.

4. Type of Edible

Different types of edibles, such as gummies, brownies, or beverages, can impact the duration of effects.

Type of Edible

Effect on Duration of Effects


Gummies are popular for their precise dosing and consistent effects. They usually take longer to digest, leading to a longer duration of effects.


Brownies are known for their potency. Due to the way they are metabolized, their effects can be strong and last for several hours.


Cannabis-infused beverages often have a faster onset time, but their effects might be shorter compared to other edibles. They offer a refreshing way to consume cannabinoids.

5. Individual Sensitivity

Each person’s sensitivity to cannabinoids varies. Some individuals might be more sensitive and experience longer-lasting effects, while others may metabolize them quickly.

6. Frequency of Use

Regular cannabis consumers may experience shorter-lasting effects due to their bodies becoming accustomed to cannabinoids. Occasional users, however, may feel the effects for a more extended period.

7. Onset Time

Edibles typically take longer to take effect compared to inhalation methods. This delayed onset can lead to the effects lasting longer as well.

8. External Factors

External factors like diet, hydration, and overall health can influence how long edibles stay in your system. Staying hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet might help metabolize edibles more efficiently.


How long does it take for edibles to kick in?

Edibles usually take around 30 minutes to 2 hours to take effect. The onset time can vary based on factors like metabolism and whether you’ve consumed them on an empty stomach.

Can edibles show up on drug tests?

Yes, they can. THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, can be detected in drug tests even days after consumption. It’s important to consider this if you have obligations that require drug testing.

Are the effects of CBD edibles long-lasting?

CBD edibles tend to have a milder and shorter duration of effects compared to THC-rich edibles. The effects of CBD edibles can last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours.

How can I shorten the duration of edible effects?

If you want to shorten the effects of edibles, staying hydrated, engaging in physical activity, and consuming foods rich in antioxidants might help speed up the metabolism of cannabinoids.

Are there any risks associated with edibles lasting too long?

Extended edible effects are generally not harmful. However, they might become uncomfortable if you have other commitments or tasks to complete.

Can I consume edibles before bedtime for better sleep?

Using edibles before sleep can potentially help with relaxation and sleep. However, be cautious with dosage to avoid grogginess the next day.

Understanding how long edibles stay in your system is essential for making informed decisions about consumption. Factors like dosage, metabolism, and individual sensitivity all contribute to the duration of effects. Remember to start with a low dose, especially if you’re a beginner, and give yourself ample time to gauge the effects before considering more.

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